Greetings and welcome to my web site. I am Sharon Madsen, Nutrition Consultant, mother of two, living in Arizona. My company, Foodsense AtoZ, is all about Helping You Make Sense of Food. As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Author, IHeart Radio show host and Public Speaker I provide integrated counseling, coaching, support and training to help my clients and listeners learn and implement, healthy lifestyle nutritional habits with a common sense approach. Personal Bio
I studied at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts completing 2,000 total hours of formal education and field certifications as a Western Herbalist. Meal Planning, Shopping, Food Preparation and Portion Control, are all tools I use to assist others to make Healthy lifestyle choices for themselves. Food Allergies, Celiac disease, “Dairy Free” Raw, Vegetarian and Process Free are all in my extensive Lexicon of food and nutrition related topics.

While located here in sunny Arizona, I have clients in southern California, throughout the US and abroad. The list of Individual Consultations has been developed over the years with feedback from my clients. As I network locally within the community, that list continues to grow and diversify. That same energy applies to Group Classes featuring businesses, medical practices and large corporations looking to add Wellness Incentive programs for their employees.
I reach out to my clients in a variety of ways:
– One on one consultations by phone or in-person.
– As a public speaker and radio personality I have spoken to numerous organizations, groups and businesses.
– I have also self-published my own book, “FoodSense A to Z”.
Check me out on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/FoodsenseAtoZ

Regardless of age, the role played by exercise is significant when redefining nutrition and food choices.
On this day, for me, it was walking the Mashed Potato Mile with my 86 year-old Dad… nothing better than the Arizona outdoors!
Sharon Madsen – Nutrition Consultant
Arizona (602) 684-1475 sharon@foodsenseatoz.com
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